If you are thinking about getting an angel tattoo, here are a few popular tattoo designs you may like:
* Angel Wings: Angel wings are popular choice for angel tattoos; they are simple, yet beautiful. Angel wings tattoos are ideal for someone who does not want a full-bodied angel inked on their body. These tattoos can come in all different sizes and colors. They are most commonly featured on the shoulders, lower back, and upper-back.
* Female Angels: Full-bodied female angel tattoos usually come with a woman wearing a dress, and wings. In most cases, a glow ring is placed over her head. This woman can be flying, standing still, sitting, or looking protective. An angel tattoo is a great way to remember a lost loved one. The face or name of that loved one can even be

Baby Angels: Baby angel tattoos come in different formats. They are most often used by parents to display the birth of a new child. The baby angel wearing wings and a glow ring around their head can be accompanied with the new baby�s name and birth date.
Devils and Angels: This combination design is perfect for men and women who like to claim they have a good side and a bad side. Devil angel tattoos highlight both types of personalities. Often times, they are standing next to each other. Of course, the angel usually looks sweet and innocent.
As previously stated, angel tattoos are popular because the designs usually have a meaning. This meaning can be anything really. Good examples include spirituality, freedom, and the ability to rise
Now that you know, what most angel tattoos represent and have a few sample designs to go from, here comes the next step: choosing your design. Find the one design that best represents your wants. If you cannot do that, consider creating your own design from scratch. An artist can take that rough design and perfect it.
Finally, it is time to choose your tattoo artist. As you know, they all produce good results. However, you want more than good; you are getting a tattoo that will stay on your body for life. You must have perfect. If your design is complicated, look at other angel tattoos the tattoo artist has produced. These must be picture samples and not samples out of a printed book because they are nothing more than stock photos.
Finally, it is time to choose your tattoo artist. As you know, they all produce good results. However, you want more than good; you are getting a tattoo that will stay on your body for life. You must have perfect. If your design is complicated, look at other angel tattoos the tattoo artist has produced. These must be picture samples and not samples out of a printed book because they are nothing more than stock photos.
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